When do I go national?

I had a blog entry planned a few days ago, but got side-tracked for a reason that I’ll explain later (hopefully tomorrow). I wanted to write about Winston Churchill’s 104-year-old parrot called Charlie. Churchill taught her to make interesting comments about Hitler and the Nazis. Decades after Churchill’s death, Charlie “can still be coaxed into repeating them with that unmistakable Churchillian inflection.”

Today, I listened to the Don and Mike Show, and they discussed Charlie on the show. I’m fascinated that I’m doing the same thing in “preparing” for my gig as a blogger that Don Geronimo does to prepare for his national radio show. At least I had the story prepared earlier than they did.

Yes, I know yesterday was a holiday, so Don and Mike weren’t on the air. Yes, I know I didn’t write this entry until tonight. However, I can believe anything I want.

Maybe I’ll even be a “National Traysure” one day.

P.S. I promise you’ll know soon why I took a 4 day break from RollingDoughnut.

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