I hear the unknown’s cackling

I got trapped in my bathroom last night. Again.

I don’t know how this happens. I remember going in, but my next coherent thought was kneeling on the rug, feeling the walls to determine the location of the door. I found the wall, but didn’t know which direction to move in. I remember finding the wood of the cabinet beneath the sink, but I wasn’t awake enough to know which direction to move. My brain slowly came to life, processing logical thoughts.

I refused to stop touching the wood of the cabinet because I knew that was important. As my hands reached the edge of the cabinet door, I pulled it open towards me. That let me know that the bathroom door was on my left. I lunged my hands for the door, hoping to find the knob. I spent a few more moments searching, but I found it. I went back to bed, too tired to comprehend the situation. My only thought was that I’d escaped again.

My bathroom continues its attempts to capture me, but I’ve been successful in avoiding its forever grasp so far. I will continue to fight defiantly!

2 thoughts on “I hear the unknown’s cackling”

  1. The cackling is no longer unknown. Dreams of bedazzled “I was so upSET” sweaters are to blame. And how did I sleep through this Poltergeist moment? Stay away from the light…

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