With the Covenant, who needs SD-6?

I dreamed last night that I saw David Anders at a rest area in Delaware.

Anyone who reads RollingDoughnut.com knows that I would love this if it actually happened. Why? Because David Anders portrays Sark on THE GREATEST TELEVISION SHOW EVER. Besides being completely random, this would be a spectacular opportunity to let him know how much Sark rules. That would be awesome!

But the dream became a nightmare when I realized that I drove off without speaking to him. Thankfully, I would never let that happen in real life. If only this would happen…

One thought on “With the Covenant, who needs SD-6?”

  1. Hey, Tony and Danielle, I hear we are meeting up again this August. Awesome! Tell Danielle its been a LONG time since I had my leg humped. She may just be the one to do it! LOL

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