Mom needs more nuance

I think I could’ve saved money on conducting this study:

How many M&MS are enough?

It depends on how big the candy scoop is.

At least that’s a key factor, says a study that offers new evidence that people take cues from their surroundings in deciding how much to eat.

It explains why, for example, people who used to be satisfied by a 12-ounce can of soda may now feel that a 20-ounce bottle is just right.

It’s “unit bias,” the tendency to think that a single unit of food — a bottle, a can, a plateful, or some more subtle measure — is the right amount to eat or drink, researchers propose.

Hello, duh. How many of us heard “clean your plate” from our parents as kids? I’d put the answer somewhere between everyone and all of us. It’s nice to have some sort of scientific confirmation, and some of the specific examples provide useful insight, but now what?

So can all this help dieters?

Some food companies are introducing products in 100-calorie packages, and [the University of Pennsylvania’s Andrew] Geier thinks that could help hold down a person’s consumption. He also suspects companies could help by displaying the number of servings per container more prominently on their packaging.

I don’t mean to imply any policy suggestions to Mr. Geier from that statement, but how long before some hack politician uses research like this to suggest that companies should help, thus mandating new regulations? I’m guessing next week.

One thought on “Mom needs more nuance”

  1. Um, hello? Everyone knows those 100 calorie packs of Oreo crisps are meant to be eaten BY THE BOX.

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