I’ve encountered no comments from former Congressman, current (potential) Libertarian Party candidate Bob Barr in response to Exxon Mobil’s quarterly earnings statement last week, so I’ll find something to praise about a Barr policy.
I approach Mr. Barr with a sufficient level of distrust because of his actions while in Congress. I didn’t follow politics as closely during the mid-to-late ’90s, so I’m working from my barely-informed position from those days. Mark from Publius Endures sums up much of what I remember in much greater detail when discussing both his qualms and potential for supporting a Barr candidacy. I’m not sold. I am intrigued.
Being a Libertarian Party candidate is no guarantee that I, as a libertarian, will be remotely interested. I wasn’t interested for multiple reasons in 2004 when Michael Badnarik won the nomination. And I hadn’t been interested this year before Barr joined the fun. Barr’s insider knowledge and name-recognition might help. If it can help shake up Washington, we can certainly talk.
Obviously Barr will not win the presidency, if he runs. That’s not the point. But I would be ecstatic with a president who believes this (under “Individual Liberty” in the Issues link):
he United States was created for the purpose of securing the liberties of its people. The colonists fled oppressive old world governments. The nation’s founders drafted the Constitution to sharply limit the federal government’s powers. The horrors perpetrated by the many collectivist tyrannies of the 20th Century demonstrate that the danger of government, any government, violating individual liberty is greater today than when America was founded.
That he’s willing to say it is huge. We are citizens, not subjects. None of the other candidates remotely cares about this where it interferes with a favored constituent group’s rent-seeking behavior. That’s not to say Barr would implement this even if he could get Congressional cooperation. But I’d be satisfied with a government stalemate. No progress is better than further decline.
And this, titled “No Torture. No Exceptions.”:
This administration has gone beyond even the Bizarro World standard of declaring up to be down or left to be right. Not only is torture not torture, but there exists insufficient clarity even to know what is torture so we can determine whether an interrogation technique is torture or not. While the extreme sophistry and word gamesmanship practiced to a fine art by this administration might make a high school debating coach proud, it does great disservice to the notion that we exist in a society in which there are rules and norms of behavior with clarity and definitiveness and in which government agents as well as the citizenry are held to standards of behavior. This is not something of which we as Americans should be proud, and the use of torture will come back to haunt us in ways this administration apparently either doesn’t realize or simply doesn’t care about.
I found positions I (vehemently) don’t like among Barr’s positions. I’d also like details on what I like about his positions. I do not want to encounter another faux-libertarian who believes that liberty means accepting oppression locally as long as we remove the federal government from our lives. Another day.