I found this interesting headline on Drudge today. Behold:
Wow. That seems scary. I live in the D.C. area and ride the Metro, so I need to know more. I clicked the link, only to discover a most interesting opening line. Consider:
Subway riders may face random police checks of their bags under a security measure being considered in the nation’s capital, the latest city to look for ways to deter terrorism on rail systems.
Mr. Drudge may consider himself a reporter, but I prefer my journalism to be unbiased factual, thanks. My world will continue, though, because I already knew that he’s a hack.
Tony, Do you search for articles and other news stories to disagree with. Or !!!
I don’t search for articles to disagree with, even when searching a site like Drudge. With those, I just know I’ll find that. It is more fun to disagree, though.
Passengers on the PATH were subject to bag search this morning.